What Makes Me Me

All my Awesome Friends
Who, through the good and the bad, make me who I am!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Imperium Part 1

By: Karilyn Hall

Chapter 1

Four Years Later...

"Peter! Ninja! Whatever your name is!" Queen Kari yelled for the service of her most trusted person. She was the ruler of the Good Side. Now, they were having a disagreement with the Dark Side, ruled by Queen Camellia.

"My lady," Kari's right hand girl, Joyce, said peeking her head around the door frame, behind her was her assistant, Melody.

"Come in, girls," the queen said. "Now where's my ninja?" she whined."Have you seen my ninja?" she asked the two who were now bringing in a note from Skylar, Camellia's assistant.

"Who? Peter, my lady?Why, he's in the hallway," Melody responded.

"You call, Kari?" Peter asked coming in.

"Yeah, go put on that ninja stuff, we're going to the dark side." Kari said getting up from her beautiful throne.

"Those are never good words..." Joyce put in a whisper.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh!!

    I'm totally squirming in my seat right now.

    More, more!!!
