What Makes Me Me

All my Awesome Friends
Who, through the good and the bad, make me who I am!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Book Log

Just a heads up to tell me if you guys wanna read a certain book I'm writing. Some are exclusive so the answer differs.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just a Daydream Part 1 - Me

"No, no, and no!" I shouted, drawing attention as I winced trying to break free of two of my best friends' grips as they tried to haul me into a movie at the theatre. "And for the last time, NO!"

"But you promised!" Whitney whined, tired of my struggling but persistent to keep me where she wanted me.

"Uh, correction! I promised to read the BOOK, while YOU read the first book of the 39 Clues!" I pressed as a look of annoyance crossed her face, for she had known that already.

"Argh! You are watching this movie if it's the last thing I do!"

Maybe it will be, I thought with a scowl.

"Aubrey, pull harder!!" Whitney commanded my quiet, yet bold friend who would normally be on my side.

Aubrey made a weird growling sound at Whitney. "Okay, one, you are not the boss of me!! And two, DON'T YOU THINK I'M TRYING?!" she yelled drawing more attention.

A flash of ash blond hair and an unmistakable bright green ring caught my eye.

"Hanna, Kira, heelp!!" I called out as two familiar faces turned to look in my direction.

The one with the shiny green ring took one look at the movie sign they were trying to drag me into and ran over to release the clip holding Whitney's hair in place and she released my arm.

I was able to finally break free of their grip, because Aubrey loosened her grip when her very, very loud ringtone blurted out in the big room, attracting attention that had not already been there.

Kira, the ash blond girl, just stood where she was and rolled her eyes. "You guys are a bunch of crazy rolled up in one."

"Thanks, K..." we all said together with a sigh.

I sighed the loudest. "Please get me outta this..." I mouthed to Kira, the only girl who knew my one secret no one else knew.

Kira, the wisest and brightest of us all, gathered us up onto a nearby bench while Hanna went to go make a phone call (probably to escape the drama).

"Alright, you three, what's up?" Kira said in her special peacemaking voice (one she used particularly often).

All at once all three started talking, pointing at each other and the Hunger Games Movie.

Kira put her hand on her head then yelled, "All of you shut!!"

Immediately all of quieted, it was rare for K to yell at us (well at least not at this level, anyways).

In a pained voice, Kira pointed at me to start first (as she slowly recovered).

"It all started when Abi and I made a deal. Everyone should be able to know how both of us refused to read the first book of the other's favorite series, The 39 Clues and The Hunger Games. For our own reasons," I gave all of them a knowing look.

"Whitney, continue," Kira commanded, slowly turning back into herself.

Whitney made a face at me. "Well SOMEONE here faked up on me last week and said she liked the book. If both people like the book they can continue. If one doesn't they are both not qualified by the Book Deal to continue at all. Then Monday morning she said sorry she couldn't do it because it gave her nightmares," Whitney said with a "duh" sort of tone, making me wanna do something mean.

But Kira held me back with her secret glance, the one she had used when I told her everything. Aubrey had it on, too, when I texted her the detes and such.

Aubrey continued without hesitation. "So Whitney planned a sleepover with her and I to draw her to the movies without her knowing. I can show you the ropes we used in the car when Ms. Dalia dropped us off!"

"Aubrey!" Whitney said, betrayed.

Kira paused for a moment, quickly checking my face for all other info. "Why don't we just talk this over at Hanna's house? I doubt Ms. Drake would mind. The movie can wait for when she's ready."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Four of Us - In the Middle of Nowhere Preview

By: Cynthia Steven

In the middle of nowhere, out in the wilderness, up in their faces, and in the dead of night.

After a tragic accident, four best friends, the lucky, runaway survivors, are lost in the middle of nowhere. Starving, tired, and in deep depression of what they had seen, they think they can't survive. That is, until they realized they had something they never knew...

Ally Rylant: Random blogger who knows how to cheer up in the darkest of times. With her solar energy Blackberry, she believes all things are possible as the Youtube and Hunger Games expert. Loves grapes.

Alex Rylant: Cousin of Ally and has a wicked sense of humor. Slow to anger and slow to speak, she's the artist and gatherer of the group who had studied the stars and uses them for navigation. Gets bored easily and is know to temporarily steal Ally's solar iPod for amusement.

Marie Tyson: The spontaneous one. One with nature, the girl can summon a frog at any time, call a few mares to ride, and eagles even listen with pleas for help as a lookout. The quiet, "petite" peacemaker's favorite animal is a frog.

Livy Fine - The fashion advisor and inner geek. This girl sews natural materials together, making clothes for the whole team and rewarding every animal used with any pieces of saved food she carries around in her pack. With all Pokémon experience she carries, she's the team defender.

Will they ever find people again? What happens if they run into the enemy? Where IS their family, captive with the enemy?

Ally, Alex, Marie, and Livy must depend on each other to survive, one of the only choices they have left.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Gift Preview

By: Katharine Baker

15 year old Kira is unusual. Her gift is incomprehensible. 17 year old Dan is a warrior at heart. His gift in battle is astonishing. The Invisible One has brought them together for a purpose, now it is their responsibility to make sure that purpose is fulfilled, while keeping themselves alive. The Invisible One has called them to search for the Meaning of Life. The journey is dangerous, the road long, and the risk high, but neither of them are willing to give up. Their precious cargo is motivation, but Darkness is abundant. Tests and trials follow them at every turn, but the will to persevere is stronger.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Bounty Kids Series The Neighborhood Heist Preview

By: Katharine Baker

What happens when 35 kids are left at home for a week in their neighborhood? What happens when a robber is sneaking around the neighborhood and the kids are left to defend their homes by themselves? You get Bounty Kids! All the parents on Lily Dr. leave for the week to attend a national holiday in Washington D.C., and they leave the older kids, Laura, Kyle, Ellie, Samantha, and Tyler, in charge. Their job babysitting 30 kids is not an easy task. When a robber, famous for robbing houses when people aren’t home, starts roaming around the neighborhood, it’s up to them to defend their homes. So gear up, and await the first book, The Neighborhood Heist, in the Bounty Kids series!