What Makes Me Me

All my Awesome Friends
Who, through the good and the bad, make me who I am!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sound Effects Part 5

Selene was speechless as the beautiful girl who she had slammed the locker of that very morning plopped down beside her.

"Hey, can I sit here?" the girl asked, obviously oblivious to the many pairs of eyes staring at her.

Selene couldn't say a word, but her eyes must have said something, because the girl smiled and looked like she wasn't going anywhere.

"Hey, Makenzy! Don't sit with her!! Come sit with us!" she heard Mason Kent call from the opposite side of the room.

The girl, whom she was guessing was Makenzy, looked up at Mason, and looked back at her.

Selene's eyes quickly flashed to her lunch, avoiding eye contact.

Selene could tell all the pressure was on Makenzy; the whole cafeteria was watching her for her next move.